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World tensions and basis of Worker-communism Unity Party’s policy

Resolution approved at the 3rd plenum of the Central Committee of Worker-communism Unity Party. (29/06/2008-01/07/2008)

    • With the downfall of Soviet block at the end of the 80’s, the previous power structure and international tension which was based on military, political, economic and ideological confrontation between the Western and Eastern blocks, crumpled. With it, the era of the worlds of the cold war and international conflict which lasted half a century practically ended. Just the same way that the Cold War changed the political, economic and intellectual situation in Europe and USA to the most remote places on earth; the present situation too will influence the current and the future generations’ lives. One of the consequences of the fall of the Eastern block and the end of the Cold War has been the new momentum of social forces and movements, be it progressive and revolutionary or reactionary, religious and tribal in the world. These forces have occupied the vacuum created after the end of the Cold War. The attempts of USA for maintaining its political hegemony as the sole world super power, the attempts of political Islamic forces to consolidate their influence and power in the region, and the attempts of the working class and socialism to come up with a completely different and humane solution have all been the tensions we witness in the world and the Middle East.

    • With September 11, the world entered a new phase and era of tragic international developments. Terrorism and militarism have become a familiar aspect of the present time. Backward political, social and cultural trends are dominating the world. There are two poles of international terrorism on both sides of this inhumane tension. On the one hand, there is the biggest international terrorist machinery comprising of the ruling clique of the USA government and its NATO allies and Israel. In this pole, equipped with its military, propaganda and ideological machinery is the West. Killings in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine are only some examples of state terrorism. On the other pole, there is Islamic terrorism and the reactionary movement of political Islam. The latter which itself was the result of USA and the West in the cold War, is a tool in crushing the Left in the Middle East. It is part of the bourgeoisie’s power struggle in the Middle East. It has now turned into a force against Western state terrorism. The history of political Islam contains a long list of murders, crimes, terrorism and genocide.

    • This tension on both sides is a power struggle. The main issue for the USA is to consolidate and extend its political and military hegemony as the sole super power in the world. For the political Islamic movement it is about survival and preservation of its position in the construction of bourgeoisie’s power in the Middle East. Terrorism and blind animosity against anything that has a slightest trace of the West is political Islam’s capital amongst people who rightfully hold USA government and Israel as the main perpetrators of devastation in the region. Terrorism is the main tool used by political Islamic currents to deepen national, tribal and religious gaps in the Middle East. Keeping the flames of this tension alight is their political capital which feeds their thirst for power. For the Islamists, the devastation suffered by the people in Palestine has nothing to do with reactionary terrorism. This tension at the moment is one of the main conflicts in contemporary world. Continuation of this conflict between the two poles of terrorism has dire consequences for the Middle East and the world. It is an extensive and comprehensive conflict with immense consequences some of which we are already witnessing, i.e. political, military, cultural and religious alliances created by governments and the forces involved. The whole of apparatus of Islam has formed its ranks in opposition to the apparatus of Christianity and Judaism. This conflict has so far deeply changed the political and intellectual face of the world and the region and like any other international conflict has its ups and downs. Political opposition; temporary compromise; negotiation; economic, commercial, financial sanction; and war are all aspects of this reactionary conflict. The main fronts of this conflict are at the moment in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iran. The Islamic regime and USA are in the centre of this conflict. Division of power, change of political balance of forces and the geopolitics of the region are the inevitable consequences of the conflict.

    • The conflict between these two poles has had many victims so far. However, the future consequences can outweigh what we have already seen. If this conflict extends to war and military invasion of Iran, the consequences imposed on people are horrendous. The war will not weaken the Islamic Republic of Iran or political Islam. In fact, it will provide more ammunition for the Islamic regime to strengthen the Islamic movement. At a time when the Islamic Republic of Iran is economically and politically crippled and is faced with growing protest movement by people demanding its overthrow, any military attack against it, will actually be a gift to the regime to rescue itself. The Islamic Republic of Iran will use war as a tool to suppress people even more.

    • The basis of our Party’s policy and that of the working class is an opposition to the policies and aims of both poles of terrorism and war mongers. This war is totally against human interests. The interests of humanity lie in organised struggle of a third force in opposition to the two poles of terrorism and emergence of Worker-communist alternative. Worker-communism Unity Party criticizes and discloses the following trends: those forces that in opposition to Islamic Republic have “affinity” to the pole of state terrorism; and those forces that in opposition to Imperialism have “affinity” to political Islam and Islamic Republic of Iran.

    • Worker-communism Unity Party sees the policy of economic and commercial sanctions as an inhumane policy. This policy of the USA and its allies, disregarding its consequences in destabilising the Islamic regime, must be condemned as a devastating action against people in Iran. Economic sanctions lead to worsening of peoples’ economic situation. The immediate victims of such policies are people and not the Islamic regime. The assumption that imposition of hardships to people will lead to their reaction against Islamic regime and its overthrow is sickening and anti social. Such assumption can only come out of marginal, tribal and nationalist forces.

    • The policy of Worker-communism Unity party regarding negotiations, normalisation of diplomatic relations between American and Iranian governments, unlike the right opposition and nationalists that support an attack on Iran, and unlike the “anti-imperialist” forces and national-Islamic movement, is based on strategic opposition against both terrorist poles. Establishment of any sort of diplomatic relation between Islamic Republic and USA will not raise our opposition as communists who are enemies of Islam, Islamic regime, political Islam, enemies of militarism and USA’s hegemony. Besides, diplomatic relations at a time when people are on the verge of overthrowing the regime will question the very existence of the Islamic regime. Escalation of the movement for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic and capitalist system in Iran, and the struggle against US militarism are our main political strategic policy at the present time. At the same time, attempts to prevent the hidden dealings of the USA and Western governments with Islamic currents are another aspect of our policy against both poles of terrorism. In addition, Worker-communism Unity Party emphasises that Islamic Republic is not the legitimate state in people’s eyes in Iran. We endeavour to discredit the Islamic Republic internationally and demand the expulsion of the Iranian regime from international communities.

    • In this international tension, Worker-communism Unity Party represents the civilised humanity and the struggle for freedom, equality and welfare for all. We struggle for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran, against expansion of political Islam, against the establishment of reactionary policy of New World Order and Imperialist power mongering in the region and the world. For Worker-communism there is only one “affinity” and that is affinity with the interests of the working class revolution for freedom, equality and welfare for all.